The term 'Culture' has been around since the early Christian era (we know, for instance, that Cicero used it) and its anthropological use was established between the end of eighteen-hundreds and the beginning of the past century. Before this time, 'culture' typically referred to the educational process through which an individual had undergone; in other words, for centuries 'culture' was associated with a philosophy of education. We can hence say that culture, as we mostly employ the term nowadays, is a recent invention. Merriam-Webster announces that the word 'culture' was their word of the Year, in 2014. They propose six definitions. But the problem is that culture is more than the sum of its definitions.

What is Culture?

If we want to search within definitions we would find 'culture' as the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively, that would imply (the arts, the humanities, intellectual achievements’, intellectual activities, etc.) or refined understanding and appreciation of culture, like 'Man of Culture' (intellectual/artistic awareness, education, cultivation, discrimination, sophistication, urbanity, erudition, etc.) or the ideas, customs and social behavior of particular people or society (civilization, society, lifestyle, etc.).

Cultural differences manifest themselves in different ways and differing levels of depth. Symbols represent the most superficial and value the deepest manifestations of culture, with heroes and rituals in between. Symbols are words, gestures, pictures, or objects that have a particular meaning which is recognized by those who share a particular culture. New Symbols’ are easily developed and old ones disappear. Symbols from one cultural group can be easily copied by others, so that is why symbols represent the outermost layer of culture. Heroes are persons, past or present, real or fictitious who poses characteristics that are highly prized in culture. They are also the model of behavior. Rituals are collective activities that are socially essential (way of greetings, paying respect to others, religious and social ceremonies, etc.). The core of culture is formed by Values (good-evil, right-wrong, natural-unnatural). Many values are unconscious for one who holds them. Therefore, they cannot be discussed or observed by others.

Symbols, heroes, rituals are tangible. The true cultural meaning of cultural practices are intangible, this is reviled only when practices are interpreted by others.

We can also see culture as the unity of Arts, Philosophy, and Religion.


Cultural Exchange Program

Novel Global Community Education Foundation (NGCEF) is working on 'Cultural Exchange Program' parallel with the scientific-educational program. The goal of this program is to promote different cultures, but not only that, our program will work on connecting countries through the collaborative link between institutions. NGCEF will most of all work on Arts exchange as Art have the same meanings in all culture and connect all people through its activities. Arts set people free and speak of unity. We will promote culture through our blog but also through other activities.

We are going to promote the next Arts activities as mentioned in the following Table:





Performing Art



Cultural Heritage

Spiropoetomics (*)

Community Arts


Visual Art

Arts of Indigenous Persons


Classic Arts



Historical Sites



Creative Writings



We invite all people who want to join us in the Cultural Exchange Program, to direct all inquiries to the administration office of the Department

of Social Sciences and Arts, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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